About Us

For many years I have searched for somewhere decent and reasonably priced to get raw dog food for my pooches.
My husband runs a carpet showroom and I asked him one day if I could put a freezer in the back of his shop as I was sick to death of waiting in for raw food deliveries all day or they not turning up. I was also finding it quite time consuming trying to find all the extra things that I wanted to feed my dogs like bones, turkey necks and bone broth etc.
So one day I walked into the raw food shop in Poole and thought “wow, what a brilliant idea”. I came home and purchased 2 freezers and put them at the back of Marcus carpet shop.
I remember the first Saturday coming into the showroom and there was about 6 people standing around the freezers and I thought “Ok, I need more freezers!” and that was how it started.
I really enjoy what I do and its so lovely when people bring their dogs in and we can see how healthy and well they are on their raw diets